Senin, 04 Juli 2016

Longan Fruit Benefits for Health
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Benefits of Fruit Longan is widely used community to cure or reduce various diseases, which so far we do not know this, I'm sure for those of you who never eat fruit this one is certainly not necessarily Tau all of the properties contained in this one fruit, fruit litchi contains sucrose, glucose, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, tartarik acid and chemical plant compounds (phytochemicals) more useful for health, so that the fruit can be called the fruit of Health.

benefits of Longan Fruit

Longan fruit has a Latin name Dimocarpus logan and sometimes familiar on the call by name Longan, sometimes the fruit is known also with the Cat's Eye fruit, Longani fruit is round with a size approximately the size of marbles. On growth, the fruit is clustered. Rind is light brown to black with a surface rather nodule, with white flesh that clear and watery. Well after we know the characteristics of the fruit of this one, now we talk about this Longan Fruit Benefits

Loss of appetite, weakness and diarrhea affluent

Eat 60 grams of fresh longan, perform twice daily in the morning and evening.


Take a bit of skin or shell longan, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with tung oil (Aleuritis fordii). Dab on the part and burn.

Wounds that never healed

Take a bit of skin or shell longan, grilled until charred. Finely crushed and mix with olive oil. Apply on the wound area.

Toes itch and purulent

Take some longan seeds, roasted on the fire. Mash until smooth, spread on the affected part.

Longan Fruit Benefits for Amnesia, Mental Decline, anxiety
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Longan Fruit Benefits for Amnesia, Mental Decline, anxiety

"Tonic longan" (gui yan gao): 500 grams of fresh litchi fruit and 500 grams of sugar, boil them in water till becomes thick. Drink each day one tablespoon.

Weakness or repair the body after illness

Consumption of 250 grams of fresh longan fruit every day.

Weak and lacking energy during pregnancy

Take each day one tablespoon "tonic litchi" in the morning and evening.

Benefit from Longan Fruit are amazing, aren't they?, is a bit difficult to get longan fruit, but if your place is a big town, of course could easily obtain them in the grocery store or fruit market.

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