Kamis, 04 Agustus 2016

Image From: inetarticle.com

Health benefits of mahogany the fruit that have taste As bitter As Drug. However, behind the bitterness of the stored natural properties for a variety of complaints, among other things due to the flavonoid and saponin.

not only the health benefits of mahogany tree that can be get from mahogany tree, it has long been chosen as the base material furniture. Strength and conditioning shade of a tree used for the road. While it allowed to fall falling fruit.

In Malaysia mahogany receive more attention. In the neighboring country, the fruit mahogany or so-called sky fruit used as basic materials vitamins and natural medicines. Sky Fruit designation was because his pointed toward the sky.

The discovery of pieces of mahogany as vitamins and drugs first by biochemists, DR. Larry Brookes, in the 1990s. Then mahogany fruit containing flavonoids and saponins created in extract form.

The content of flavonoids in mahogany fruit is useful for blood circulation, especially to prevent blockage of the blood vessels, reduce cholesterol levels and the accumulation of fat in the walls of blood vessels, helping to reduce pain, bleeding, and bruising, as well as acting as antioxidants to eliminate free radicals.

Saponins useful to prevent plague, reduce body fat, boost the immune system, improve blood sugar levels, as well as strengthen the liver function and slow the process of blood clotting.

Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree To Treat Hypertension

In Chinese pharmacology and traditional medicine others mentioned, this plant has the characteristic bitter, cold, antipyretic (fever), antifungal, and can lower high blood pressure. The pharmacological effects obtained from the use of seeds that are dried, finely ground, to a powder.

health benefits of mahogany seeds, namely hypertension, blood sugar disorders, lack of appetite, fever, and helps maintain durability. How to cultivate, seed crushed or pulverized into a powder and brewed with hot water.

Plants that have the ability as an astringent (drying) can precipitate proteins intestinal mucous membrane and form a layer that protects the intestine, thus inhibiting glucose intake and the rate of increase in blood glucose.

A study about healt benefits of mahogany seeds in lowering blood glucose in animal studies ever conducted Laurentia Mihardja, researchers at the Center For Research and Development of Disease Control, NIHRD. The extract mahogany dose of 45 mg / 160 g mm after 7 days showed significantly different results than the solvent and is no different from glikazide 7.2 mg / 200 g bw.

Concluded, mahogany can lower blood glucose in animal experiments. Mahogany is actually very popular, especially in the '80s. Understandably, a tree with a sturdy trunk and lifted it easily found almost along the provincial road in Java. During the dry season, many seeds fall to be considered trash.

Image From: doctorsaputo.com

Sample Potions to Get Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree

Uncomplicated to make a potion made from powder mahogany, just mix it with water, namely:

To treat high blood pressure

take half a teaspoon of powdered seeds mahogany and glass of hot water. Add one tablespoon of honey, stirred, after the last warm drink.

For patients with blood sugar disorders

potion together with hypertension, and should be taken 30 minutes before meals.

For colds and stamina,

potion is the same with For patients with blood sugar disorders, but can be added ginger.

Health Benefits of Mahogany Tree Ready to Pour

Until now remains that utilize mahogany seeds as raw material herb for treating various diseases. Spread by word of mouth, mahogany herb powder was believed to have efficacy to aid the healing process and vitality. Besides the powder, there is also a direct consume mahogany seeds after discarding the outer skin is shaped flat.

Unfortunately, because it was considered too bitter, this way is not popular anymore. Finally, some manufacturers of traditional medicine in the form of process seriously ready for brewing potions. If you want mixes itself, is actually quite easy. In traditional markets, mahogany seeds are sold at relatively cheap prices.

If you want to take advantage of factory-made mahogany extract, select that have received permission from the health goverment. When in doubt, can consult with your doctor, especially for those who have problems with diabetes. health benefits of mahogany tree

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