Jumat, 30 Juni 2017

pros and cons of shaving male pubic hair
Image From: i0.wp.com

Things You Must Know Before Shaving Pubic Hair - Don't dare shaved the pubic before knowing this. Shaving pubic hair is indeed still raises the pros and cons. However, in the end it allgoes back to yourself.

Don't Dare Shaved the Pubic Before Knowing This.

Many people who shaved his cock with health reasons. There is also a shave as a convenience when making love. Whatever the reason, when shaving the hair down you have to be careful.


There are several ways to remove pubic hair. Waxing, shaved it special with a razor, and laser. But, waxing and laser requires a larger fee.benefits of trimming pubic hair.

What more waxing it feels very sick. According to a study published in the American Journal of Obstetricsand Gynaecolody, shaving with a razor is the most secure way.

But the surprise was, in such research, they found 60% of women who experiencedat least one interruption due to shaving the hair of his cock. Injuries to the skin and hair that grows into the two disorders that women most often experience.

Besides being uncomfortable, this disorder also turns out could increase the spread and transmission of sexually transmitted infections (STI). Therefore, you must know the seventerms below before shaving the pubic hair.

Read Also: Alcohol and the myth of its benefits for the skin of the face

benefits of trimming pubic hair
Image From: healthaim.com


Shaving can cause sores festering. After shaving the pubic hair, many women experience it did not went sour. One to grow on the skin around the festering sore pubic.

These ulcers are caused due to bacteria that get into the pores. Pores would indeed be enlarged after you shave. Actually it's not too dangerous. As long as yougive antibiotics and always clean the skin around the genital correctly.

Waxing and shaving pubic hair is basically the same. Many women are confused choosing between waxing or shaving with a knife. Some think if waxing will produce asmoother skin. While some others say shaving with a knife is the most secure way and quickly.

However, a consultant gynaecologist origin United States, Hugh Byrne, says waxing and shaving pubic hair it makes no difference. Both still have the same risk, if you don't care for the skin around the penis correctly after shaving or waxing.

benefits of shaving pubic hair male
Image From: healthaim.com

 Things You Must Know Before Shaving Pubic Hair

The rest of the hair or ingrown hair-do no harm.

Waxing and shaving using both knife will leave a little hair in the outermost layers of the skin, which will cause the hairto grow back in layers upon after a few days.

Many people are not comfortable with hair ' rest '. Others consider the hair that was left of this harm. According to Byrne, it does no harm at all.the purpose of pubic hairs

Using hair removal cream is a good choice.

Hair removal cream work differently from waxing and razors. Using chemicals, in just a few minutes, pubic hair will fall out by itself. But, you should still use the anti-bacterial and skin softener after using it. So there happen to irritation and infection. In addition, using hair removal cream on the genital area it feels a little creepy. Due to the excessive chemicals will cause irritation and disrupting the vaginal health.

Hair removal can increase the risk of the spread of STI. According to research conducted in 2012, send hair turns busting could increase the risk of STI transmission anddissemination. Why? Because when you remove hair, avoid membranes will also beeroded. So the bacteria easier entry into the pores.

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Now that the things you should know before shaving the pubic hair. In fact, shave in any way is an option. And you are free to select it. As long as you take care to avoid properly to avoid infection and irritation. If you worry too much, trydiluting the pubic hair. In order for the pubic area not moist and his health is maintained. should you shave your pubes guys.

Senin, 27 Februari 2017

which alcoholic drink is good for skin
Image From: moroccoworldnews.com

Alcohol and the myth of its benefits for the skin of the face - Most people never, or even was having some problems such as acne, black spot, stains on the face, and so on. You will surely agree that all those problems very disturbing your appearance.

For example, your face won't look attractive when acne appears on the surface. Furthermore, any skin problems will lose confidence, so most people want to find the right solution for every problem of facial skin that appears.

Some of you may know that alcohol is often described as the right solution for some problems on facial skin such as acne.benefits of alcohol for health

However, whether this claim is true? The article companies trying to cut some answers about the claims.

Read Also: Remedies of Soursop Leaves as Herbal Medicine

Note the Explanation below

Let's start with some facts myths, especially those that relate to the benefits of alcohol to the skin of the face:

• Alcohol might help you eliminate acne. However, you need to know that you can use it to stamp out a growing acne on your back, and it's not growing on your face.

• Some people say that they have benefited from the use of alcohol as a medicine acne, facial skin becomes lighter and all the dirt in the faces shot up. Is it so? Apparently not too, because alcohol tends to absorb moisture to the skin. If used too frequently, then your facial skin will look dry.

• Indeed some ACNE medications may contain isopropyl alcohol, but not always useful for many people, especially those who have facial skin sensitivity levels are high.

If you have many users buy that kind of medication, then you should do test it first. Try the medicine in a small area around your face, and make sure the reaction occurred after usage.alcoholic face before and after

• From on using alcohol to clean your face, will be much better when you choose ¬ water-based. This product helps reduce acne in ways that more effectively and without side effects.

• Materials such as alcohol can make your face reddens. These cases often occur in those who have sensitive facial skin. Therefore, immediately reduce the wearing of cosmetics containing alchohol if in fact make your facial skin seemed to catch fire.

effects of alcohol on skin and aging
Image From: eatrightontario.ca

Alcohol: it is not recommended for face care

See the above facts, it feels like we don't have to believe the myth that says alcohol is very beneficial for the skin of the face.

So, for those of you who want a facial skin that glows with how to take care of him by wearing a certain product, avoid buying cosmetic products or cleaners that contain alcohol.

This is very important especially for those who have sensitive skin (or even hyper-sensitive). Face washing tips: flush your face with warm water, then take a little SOAP that not conatin alcohol.

Wipe the SOAP gradually and evenly throughout all the face parts, and when you're done immediately rinse face with cold water.

If you diligently use the cleanser, then choose a cleanser that smells the fragrance. But must keep in mind that you need to be careful, because some fragrant facial cleanser containing alcohol.

Therefore the owner of face skin sensitive and dry face strongly not recommended choosing facial cleanser containing alcohol.alcohol effects on skin photos

Choose a cleanser made from natural chemical, not like alcohol. In addition, alcohol-based cleaners also can make severe allergy.

We are convinced that there is still a natural ingredients better than alcohol, which could be used to make your face more attractive and free from problems.

Read Also: Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Mango Leaves

Selasa, 17 Januari 2017

Remedies of Soursop as Herbal Medicine
Image From: bambangsudjatmoko.weebly.com

I behind the apparently less charming, soursop fruit and leaf has many benefits, even its root has many benefits for the health of the body.

Who does not know the soursop fruit? The fruit is delicious when enjoyed as juice or processed fruit ice gravy does have the specificity in his tastes, which is sour and sweet. Even though the shape is abstract with the skin of the fruit is green and has thorns, but not a few people who like this fruit. Behind the apparently less charming, soursop fruit and leaf has many benefits, even tha root has many benefits for the health of the body.

 Remedies of Soursop as Herbal Medicine

However, did you know the benefits of the leaf is often used as an ingredient of such fodder? Yes true, leaves containing Lactones has efficacy to fight deadly diseases such as cancer. But not only that, with the wide variety of nutrient-laden leaves Isoquinoline owned it, then it is not impossible when a variety of other dangerous diseases such as cancer, diabetes, gout, and others can also be cured. Here are some details of the types of diseases that could have aided her recovery as we reap the benefits of soursop leaves:

The leaves also contain the Lipid apparently is able to neutralize the sugar levels in the body

a) Diabetes

The leaves also contain the Lipid apparently is able to neutralize the sugar levels in the body so that the normal approach, i.e. 70-120 mg. So for people with diabetes could try consuming routine soursop leaves. Soursop leaves usually have been processed and extracted into herbal medicine, but when you want to prepare it yourself then how easy enough. Refer to the following:

1. boil water as much as approximately 3 cups.
2. once water becomes warm Insert 5 strand of soursop leaves already washed clean.
3. Wait until the boiled water last shrank to 1 cups only.
4. Strain and drink water regularly every day morning and evening.

b) Cancer

Soursop leaves can be used as a potent weapon to eradicate cancer cells, even the quickly exceeded the claimed potency effect of chemotherapy. This is because in soursop leaves contained active ingredients that can fight cancer cells. How to cultivate soursop leaf to cancer drugs:

1. boil 10 sheets soursop leaf along with 3 cups of water.
2. Simmer until water becomes 1-sized glasses.
3. Strain and chill
4. Drink regularly every morning

c) uric acid

Love to eat tempe but afraid of gout recurrence? Balance by consuming this process any Way soursop leaves is easy:

1. boil 5 sheets soursop leaf
2. wait for it to boil until the water is reduced approximately to 1 cups.
3. Chill and drink as much as 3 times a day on a regular basis.

Soursop leaf contains anti-inflammatory agents
Image From: images.agoramedia.com

d) Rheumatism

Soursop leaf contains anti-inflammatory agents that can treat rheumatic diseases. By way of smoothing soursop leaves, then applying to the diseased part, then undoubtedly rheumatism decreases. Do regularly twice a day.

e) back pain

Back pain is usually suffered by the elderly or people who are exercising a hobby. The way around it is to boil 20 sheets soursop leaves into 5 glasses of water, boil to boil until remaining approximately 3 cups and drink.

f) Ulcers

Usage is almost the same as when treating back pain with smoothing soursop leaves then applied topically to wounds ulcers. Leaf used recommended amounts to about 5-10 sheets.

Read Also: Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Mango Leaves

g) Eczema

Benefits of soursop leaves is to resolve skin diseases such as eczema.

Other than for the purposes of health, soursop leaf can also be empowered to sustain beauty, ranging from removing pimples, blackheads, and makes the skin of the face is smooth. But beauty is not only associated with the face alone, but rather the appearance of the totality of the person. Consuming soursop leaves can facilitate digestion so that no fat is buried so that the body looks more ideal. In order to eliminate pimples, blackheads, and black spots on the face, so the recipe:

a. clean the soursop leaves as many as 7 pieces using water flow, so that bacteria orgerms that there are missing.
b. Mashed or creamed soursop leaves until smooth.
c. Enter the soursop leaves already refined into a marinade of rose water.
d. when it is finished using the mixed water as a mask.
e. Use at night when going to bed and the next day to flush gets maximum results.

As an additional note, the mask can only be used 1 time only, so if you want more practical living prepare dough the mask for several times.

h. To tighten facial skin using a soursop leaves

following the way of manufacture:

a. Take 10 sheets soursop leaves then wash clean.
b. the leaves Boiled with using 3 cups of water.
c. let simmer until the size of the original water 3 cups is now only being 1 cups.
d. Chill consume regularly 1-2 times a week.

Benefits of soursop leaf next definitely favored the women, namely as a slimming body. Same with the make method when you want to tighten the skin, it's just different ways to consume instead of 1-2 times a week, but 2 times a day regularly. Besides being good for the skin and body, soursop leaf can also be worn as a hair vitamin in order to be strong and not easily fall out, as well as free of fleas.

i. loss as anti-cancer agents

How to use is by boiling soursop leaf to taste then chill and after that use water boiled to wash away the rest of the hair.

Read Also: International Used of Loofah Fruit

j. an antidote to fleas

Soursop leaves have the ability to inhibit the development of fleas so that head liceare difficult to survive. In addition, vitamins contained in it are also capable of eliminating dandruff free hair so it stays clean fleas while dandruff.

consuming this decoction soursop leaves
Image From: hariansehat.com

Another Benefits of Soursop leaves

Not only useful for curing diseases, boost the beauty of skin and hair, but can also be consumed soursop leaves daily to enhance immunity of the body. Even though itmay be consumed regularly, however doesn't mean we may overdo in enjoying its benefits.

Everything that's not excessive either. The same applies to soursop leaves that turns out to have side effects if consumed too much. Soursop leaves as it turns out is alsonot recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers. Then, what are the side effects if too much consuming this decoction soursop leaves?

a. Diarrhea
b. too much diaphoretic
c. Stomach feels stung like eating too much spicy
d. constipation
e. your back feels the heat
f. joint pain
g. increased body Temperature
h. Chills

After knowing the positive benefits while the impact as bad when consumed to excess, we now know that the soursop leaves that may grow around us can be utilized as a hero for health and appearance. For that, please do not hesitate to try a variety of recipes that are already described above.  healthy living with natural ingredients that not only easily obtained around us, but also cheap. Hopefully healthy always!

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