Rabu, 28 September 2016

Image From: inetarticle.com

International Used of Loofah Fruit - Loofah fruit may seem pornographic to those who see the first time. This unique plants grow in Vietnam and local people refer to it as the fruit loofah.

What is unique about this fruit is shaped very much like a woman's breasts. With pink, and the edges are lightly browned nipple.

About Loofa Fruit

  • Botanical name: Loofah cylinder
  • Family: Cucurbitaceae
  • India Name: Dhundhul
  • Common Name: loofah
  • Habitat: tropical plants is believed to originate from South Asia. They grow when the long hot summer.

Loofah is the common name for the vines of the cucumber family. There are six types of plants loofah, all of which are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and Africa. Loofah common and scientific names from Arabic, lufa. Loofah is a tropical plant that propagates like a vine with round leaves and yellow flowers.

Serrated Loofah is very similar to L. Cylindrica who do not have the ridge. Young fruit is cooked as a vegetable, although some gardeners China plant for interior decoration. In the world of traditional medicine Suriname, tea from the leaves is used as a diuretic, while fruit juice is used against internal bleeding.

The most commonly used is the species Loofah large aegyptiaca, a monokokus, annual vine (male and female flowers appear on different parts of the plant) with deep yellow flowers.

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The leaves are hairy, triangular shaped outline. Tendrils emerging from the stem near the leaves and branched, long and slender. The fruit-shaped cylinder can be up to 30-40 cm (12-16 in) in length and hang from rods because of the weight. Jagged skin and green fruit, becoming yellowish when ripe. There are small spots, brown or black, wrinkled surface and looks like a watermelon seed.

Flowers and fruits are soft Loofah edible when young and sometimes cooked and eaten like squash or okra. Loofah has become an important source of food in many Asian cultures. Leaves and grapes should not be eaten. When crushed, they produce a bitter compounds and odors that are useful to repel insects and animals. This is similar to the bitterness sometimes found in cucumbers, plants close relatives are also in the family Cucurbitaceae.

Loofah small fruit often eaten but may react badly, but there is no protection against it. Potentially allergenic, so people should be careful. Loofah maybe even some varieties produce fruit too bitter to eat. Peel the outer skin can remove most of the bitterness but if it tastes bad, do not eat it.

Edible Loofah (which is ready to eat) sometimes can be found in Asian-style vegetables market. They chop up and put it in a stir-fry or simply sauteed with a little olive oil.

Seasoning with a little soy sauce and chili make Loofah into a delicious appetizer. The flowers have green leaves crisp flavor similar to celery or cucumber. They make it a colorful salad.

Benefits of Using a Loofah
Image From: inetarticle.com

Benefits of Using a Loofah

Loofah fiber powder has also been used as an ingredient in Chinese herbal medicine. Some compounds in plants and seeds have been studied and used for medicinal materials. Parts used are leaves and fruit.


  •  Leaf decoction for amenorrhea.
  •  Poultice of leaves for hemorrhoids.
  •  The juice of fresh leaves for conjunctivitis.
  •  Leaf juice is also used externally for wounds and bites of various animals.

Oil is used for dermatitis.

  • In Russia, the roots are used for hygiene.
  • In India, the roots are used for medicinal dropsy and as a laxative, leaf and fruit juice is used to treat jaundice.
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International Used of Loofah Fruit

In Java, decoction of the leaves is used for uremia and amenorrhea.
In Bangladesh, pounded leaves are used for hemorrhoids, splenitis, and leprosy.

In West Africa, serrated leaf extract of the pumpkin is applied to wounds caused by guinea worm; leaf sap is used as an eyewash, fruits and seeds are used in herbal ingredients for the treatment of venereal diseases.

In Mauritius, edible seeds to expel intestinal worms.
In China, loofah is used as a pesticide.
The fiber is sometimes used for making hats.

So, do not just interested in the shape, but look deep and known the benefits of Loofah Fruit

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