Senin, 04 Juli 2016

Benefits of Beets
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In general, beet is more often used as natural dyes. Because beet produces purple and purplish red color that is great for use as a food colorant and beverages. Beta Vulgaris has a Latin name, these beets are included in the group Amaranthaceae.

Usually the fruit beets consumed with how to make juice, boiled to be used as a salad, some are even used as a soup. But keep in mind is that when consumed, the skin should be discarded. Beets itself contain carbohydrates in the form of sugar with a little protein and fat. Here is the complete information about nutritions content in the beet:

  • Folic Acid 34%, which serves to grow and replace cells damaged body
  • Potassium 14.8%, to facilitate fluid balance in the body
  • Fiber 13.6%, to facilitate the digestive tract
  • Vitamin C 10.2%, serves to regenerate tissues and can normalize blood vessels
  • Magnesium 9.8%, to maintain muscle and nerve function
  • Tryptophan 1.4%, to improve the quality of sleep
  • Iron 7.4%, useful for energy metabolism and immune system
  • Copper 6.5%, to help form red blood cells
  • Phosphorus 6.5%, can strengthen bone formation
  • Caumarin, which is useful for preventing tumor

Benefits of Beet Fruit

If you consume regularly fruit beets then the benefits are:

Increases stamina

if you drink beet juice, then the ability to exercise his body can be increased up to 16%, this is because the nitrate contained in beetroot can reduce oxygen combustion.

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Lowering blood pressure, heart and blood vessels healthy

In the American and British experts advise to consume as much as 500 ml of beetroot juice for people with hypertension.

Benefits of Beets to Overcoming anemia
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Benefits of Beets to Overcoming anemia

iron content in the beet contains iron, which helps to regenerate red blood cells and helps to supply oxygen to the red blood cells.

Helps overcome digestive problems

if you are attacked nausea, diarrhea, dysentery, by drinking beet juice mixed with carrot and a tablespoon of lemon juice are believed to help reduce the sense of worship that is in the stomach.

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Cleanse the kidneys and gall bladder

Way is to create a mixed fruit juice with beets, carrots and cucumber.

Good information about the content and benefits of beetroot above can be useful.

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